Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Carla Mendoza
English 103
Second 2 blogg
     Archives visited was a very interesting visit because it introduced us to know about whats the word” archives” meant. First able, when i thought about archives, it came to my mind things about document and important paper resources. The word archive means to maintain and collect primary resources about a special theme. Also it consists of permanent records or long-term preservation documents. Priminary sources are the first source of information, from which you can gather basic facts that will lead you to investigate further, such as; encyclopedia, letters, advertiment, photos, speeches and autobiography among others. By visiting the Lagaurdia Wagner archives I learned about mayor f. Wagner, he was an American senate politician who created the history of the organized labor in the United States. Moreover, we were discussing Mr. Wagner speeches; his mains claimed on the speech were more concerned about the Harlem riots, stating that the obligation of police are under legal obligation to protect to themselves. He also said that the absolute choice for the local government was to maintain law and order. by “law and order” he meant outlawing discrimination in housing. Wagner claimed that law and order was the Negro’s best friend.    

1 comment:

  1. Hello Carla,
    I’m glad you got to experience visiting the Archives because knowing where the Archives is and what it is used for will certainly benefit you in progressing as an efficient student in all your classes. With this piece of writing, I was able to understand the very basic idea your writing and that’s a great start! However, I would suggest first reading your work out loud and allowing yourself to realize where your writing lacks clarity. To enhance this part of revising your paper, you might also want to do an outline. Doing an outline will help you map out your ideas/thoughts into clear sentences which is primarily what I had trouble with – understanding your sentences. If you slow down with your writing (this means cutting back on using so many commas and just breaking each thought down into one sentence) you will see the clarity of your writing improve drastically while getting your point across clearly. At the end of revising your paper efficiently (doing an outline, reading out loud, making sure you understand what you’re trying to say so that your reader can understand too) you should touch on spelling errors as well as grammatical to make sure the whole paper conveys its point clearly.
    Thank you for allowing me to revise your writing. Additionally, I strongly suggest that you meet with your professor to talk about regularly visiting the Writing Center (another great place to know and utilize!)
