Monday, May 14, 2012

Martin Luther King and Stokely Carmichael's templates

In the 1960s and 1970s black leaders Martin Luther King and Stokely Carmichael cooperated to obtain the Afro Americans civil rights, king's leaned on the nonviolence philosophy while Carmichael agreed in the using of violence as a form of defense.king argued that nonviolence actions lead to no destruction and murders, instead it caused discipline, morality and courage among people.he celebrated the  fact that one's got to fight violence with love and dignity to be able to achieve a common purpose or goal. he was a man who wanted to fight in the most peaceful manner, full of compassion, love and mercy. by reading his nonviolence philosophy, concluded that one of his main message are to forgive others, change things and that we must work towards an understanding.furthermore, what a bloody and intense riots didn't produced, a passive and peaceful march did it( Civil Rights). on the other hand, Carmichael echoed were opposite from king's own prospective because he seems to be more concerned about using the force in a emotional intensity, without concerning about  morality or "special" feelings.

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